Boss Report Card

Tara Perkins


Crista Ministries


Environmental Services Director

Grade Boss

Overall Report Card

1 review

Individual Report Cards

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Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




Overall Report Card

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Individual Report Cards

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Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




Very deep seeded issues that surface through control, anger and micromanagement. Watch out, she hired a friend to be her lead at Cristwood Park Senior Living. So, a watchful eye is among the staff. Will bend the truth to meet her (wants) and also holds way too much faith in the residents complaints and opinions. Enough so that the residents can pretty say what they want even if it isn't true and she will side with them. We're talking 75 + yr Olds. Which some may not be in the healthiest of mindsets. "Family, bubble and own little community." Should have taken these red flags into consideration. Will workload new staff, while senior staff makes a mockery of her, by doing almost nothing. What they've been doing for 5 + to 20 yrs. Skating by, seems that she is afraid to confront the older staff due to their length of employment and possible age favoritism. Lacks basic fundamental leadership, is a boss over having any form of leadership skills or compassion to her "help".

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