Boss Report Card

Michael Liu


Rosemead Animal Hospital


Dr. Michael Liu

Grade Boss

Overall Report Card

1 review

Individual Report Cards

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Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




Overall Report Card

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Individual Report Cards

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Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




Dr. Liu is regarded quit well by the predominantly asian-hispanic community his practice is located in. Being one of the only mandarin speaking vets in the area many Chinese pet owners flock to him from the surrounding cities. His business is small but successful. He runs his business like a business man who's livelihood is on the line. Quick to temper and not afraid to yell at his staff depending on his mood he made poor impressions on his employees and collegues. His staff is underpaid and poorly led. He mutters harsh remarks under his breath and blows up at employees. Making the work environment unnerving and frightful. He leads poorly, does not set an example of professionalism, and criticism feels like a personal attack. Everyone working there either learned to grow thick skin and tip toe around the man, or quickly quite. Once a coworker remarked "I cry in the car before coming in". Another left after the first blow up they witnessed. And most express discomfort and disdain to one another at the Dr's conduct. Dr. Liu is a much needed resource to those who have a language barrier and seek care for their pet friends, customers bring gifts, treats and cards as thank-you's. But his treatment of staff infringes on their integrity and right to fair treatment. If this was a corporate hospital he would have been reported to HR many times. His behavior is very innapropriate.

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