Boss Report Card

Mark J Landini


Garda World



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Mark will display a persona of callousness and toughness. If you were to look at his resume, you would assume so, I mean he’s a retired Commander from the Army and have been deployed allegedly. The thing is though when he’s confronted about things by his employees at GardaWorld and non employees at WWE, his tough act melts away quickly where he displays his true self, a cowardly man. When asked tough questions of his leadership in his former careers, he squirms and weasels his way out of the question instead of answering head on and/or will pretend to not understand your question where Mark has a Masters degree, certifications and etc. If his responses isn’t enough, his body language will show. It is evident that Mark thrives on placing fear unto others, but when he is confronted by an employee who has had enough of his poor leadership it seems Mark doesn’t know what to do. He tactics are he will play the victim or create a narrative where fearless employee as being difficult or unfit for the job role. There is a piece of Martin Luther King where he spoke on the 'Polite’ Racism of White Liberals. MLK jr’s take on subject definitely defines Mark. Yes, Mark does bring up topics on race in the workplace where nobody brings them up on themselves. My thing is GardaWorld did not hire him nor did WWE contracted him to become a commentator on social issues. Instead, his job is to provide security to WWE and “lead” (I use that word loosely) his employees.

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Things to look for, he is extremely aggressive in the workplace to the point that it’s unprofessional and uncalled for. If reported and held accountable by GardaWorld and WWE I wouldn’t be surprised if he gets fired from his employment. He knows better as he’s a former “Commander” in the Army. As well, I’ve overheard that a worker in GardaWorld had courageously confronted Mark of him bringing forward his former military career in a hostile manner against his employees, where the employee had asked Mark to stop. If I recall correctly, Mark was pushing to have the employee fired for such action. The thing is Mark was a reservist and not active duty! Two complete different fields. Mark wore the uniform once a month while active duty members bore the uniform Mon-Fri or more depending on their respective job. Mark was a weekend warrior and that is all and nothing more. The thing about Mark is he will be the aggressor and hostile towards employees which is unprofessional. However, when Mark is questioned about it he will play the victim and act as if he was terrified of his life and what not. It’s the same behaviour of what is coined on females who demonstrate the same mannerisms who are referred to as “Karen’s”.

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A lot of employees and I at Garda World can’t stand this guy! He’s beyond terrible at his job. I’ve overheard numerous complaints of Mark using racial slurs towards some of his employees. A lot of employees under Mark supervision are of ethnic background and it seems the employees hate working for Mark due to how he comes off within his interactions. The few times I had to interact with Mark it was indeed uncomfortable. I’ve also heard of complaints that Mark has been hostile and passive aggressive to some of the employees as well but the employees are afraid of reporting him due to fear in retaliation from Mark in losing their job. Furthermore, I’m not sure if it’s true but Mark will invade in peoples personal privacy by tapping on their phone line supposedly. Mark is a retired officer from the Army who use to deal with intelligence and counter intelligence. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s caught abusing his power and is indeed invading employees privacy’s at GardaWorld and employees at WWE by an internal investigation. I hope he gets removed from security with GardaWorld and is replaced with someone more competent at their job especially at WWE.

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