Boss Report Card

Maria Doukakis


Reproductive Medicine Associates of CT


Andrology and Endocrinology Lab Manager

Grade Boss

Overall Report Card

1 review

Individual Report Cards

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Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




Overall Report Card

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Individual Report Cards

What do they mean?

Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




Maria is a manager that will put on a front as a caring and understanding person. In the beginning she acts like this amazing boss that you would live to work for but them shows her true colors for her new recruits. When it comes to new employees she has impossibly high standards.She has no method of training new techs other than you get tossed in and has you shadow multiple people at a time and expects you to be proficient in 80%of the tasks in 2 weeks. By one month she expects you to know how to do almost everything around the lab. She was almost never in the lab and then claims that her new employees are not doing enough or are just sitting around not doing anything when they are in fact doing work. If a new employee is missing some targets or is not meeting expectations she will not tell you or give yu a chance to improve. The only time you will find out that you are not meeting her expectations is the day her and HR are going to let you go. If you don't manage to catch onto everything by your second week you better hope that you are still there after one month.

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