Boss Report Card

Jon Button


Texas Instruments


YE manager

Grade Boss

Overall Report Card

1 review

Individual Report Cards

What do they mean?

Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




Overall Report Card

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Individual Report Cards

What do they mean?

Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




Jon was a YE manager at DMOS6. Jon liked to put on a show about being a farm boy from Iowa. He failed to mention that he was from a mega-wealthy superfarm family. Jon wrote an employee up when they missed work due to having pneumonia. Jon was great at smiling in a person's face while stabbing them in the back. Jon walked on water as the YE manager because he had worked before for KLA, so he had strong, in-depth KLA training on the systems we were using in DMOS6. He did not share his knowledge with employees, except his chum Scott Hiemke. Eventually in order to advance Jon had to manage a different area, and his good friend Kevin Wiederhold put him over CMP. Being manager of CMP revealed that Jon was a bit of a know-nothing, not able to learn new processes, and not able to manage his engineers effectively. Faced with being demoted back to regular engineer, Jon left TI.

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