Boss Report Card

Janine Schlierf




Vice President, Facilities

Grade Boss

Overall Report Card

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Individual Report Cards

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Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




Working at WWE was great! Best job I’ve had so far, met some great ppl there. I have areas to address. Janine has to be the biggest hypocrite of them all! She will state “I do not like fan boys and I will fire you if you are one” but will get all aroused and what not if you bring up Roman Reigns name in the office. She will keep record of any mistakes you make but fails to see her own mistakes. For example, she failed to pay a bill in Mexico on time where our guys down there had to shut down an event due to a third party company not getting paid from the facilities dept. Furthermore, she gets chewed out by her boss Frank like no other. As an employee, you are expected to look busy even if there isn’t any hot items on your plate to complete. There is in fact down time no matter what they state. To look busy, you have to create un-meaningful work to a look as if you’re doing something. As well, you are expected to multi task according to Janine. For the love of God, there has been studies conducted where it’s been proven and again that you are less efficient when you multi task rather than completing a task and moving forward to the next one. This ladies and gentlemen is how mistakes are made. You’ll lack the attention to detail needed to complete your job effectively. She will expect you to take ownership (which is great) however the moment you take ownership of your job and step up she’ll be all over you telling you how to do your job. She makes no sense at all! Either have your employees to take ownership of their jobs or micromanage them. Don’t do both! To add on, she will state she has a circle of friends (employees that have preferential treatment). Her circle ideology almost as if we are still in high school. Other areas to know, she and Mark Landini does track employees even to the point of invading in their personal privacy. Be careful! To my understanding, that’s unlawful and a great lawsuit if brought up to a lawyer. Lastly, don’t expect the corporate experience. Honestly, it’s more like a Mom and Pop shop in the office.

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