Boss Report Card

George Blood


George Blood LP



Grade Boss

Overall Report Card

1 review

Individual Report Cards

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Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




Overall Report Card

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Individual Report Cards

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Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




His intensity does not match the work especially since the intensity is only conversed inside his head before he explodes. Does not understand why he hires managers and supervisors even though the minimum qualification to be a manager at his company requires a masters degree. Good luck if you are hired into a field that he understands and double that luck if you are in one of the positions he hires for that is a waste of money for him. No relationship with his staff and most of them talk dirt behind his back because of his incredible mismanagement. Everyone at that company just gaslights the guy, really should call it quits. Unexplainably bitter, hostile no matter the conditions and is genuinely cold and uncomfortable to be around. If you have a degree and aren't looking for a shitty job that you would either get you fired 2 months or quit in frustration, stay far away from George Blood LP. Its where good talent people get burned out for nothing but a two bit asshole. Trust me I tried my best.

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