Boss Report Card

Frank Skrzycki


Weis Markets Inc


Store Manager

Grade Boss

Overall Report Card

1 review

Individual Report Cards

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Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




Overall Report Card

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Individual Report Cards

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Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




The worst manager I've ever had. He's pretty knowledgeable about the practical specifics of retail, but he's completely inept when it comes to leading a team. Everything is very "him" centric. And he will not listen to anything his employees tell him. He refuses to admit he's wrong, even if he obviously is, and plays favorites to the point where it makes other people quit. He also thinks that everyone should put a retail job at a grocery store above Everything else in their lives. He's obviously undiagnosed bipolar and OCD and is kind of pathetically scared of anyone in corporate. To the point where he turns into a completely different person if his bosses might visit the store. Even the customers think he's a jerk to his employees. If you ever see his name on a place you're thinking of working, run away.

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