Boss Report Card

Emily Spence



Engineering Manager

Grade Boss

Overall Report Card

1 review

Individual Report Cards

What do they mean?

Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




Overall Report Card

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Individual Report Cards

What do they mean?

Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




I can't imagine a more harmful individual to have as a manager in a technical organization. Even though she ostensibly worked as a software developer at some point in her career, she was absurdly ignorant regarding the day-to-day responsibilities of the people that she managed. She managed to alienate the most talented developers in our organization and neutral / happy when our best talent walked out the door. Before she was promoted to manager she was a product owner, and I can't remember a single team that she POed for producing code that made its way to production. She was extremely rigid and took any attempts to improve processes and procedures at the organization as a sign of disloyalty and that the person proposing them wasn't a 'good fit for the organization'. Just discussing ways to make things better during engineering meetings made her visibly angry. When I expressed concern that the organization was making a lot of mistakes, laying off / losing a lot of people as a result, and would need to make significant changes to 'right the ship' her reply was that it didn't matter if the organization went under, because we could always find jobs somewhere else.

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