Boss Report Card

Diana Pirhala


University of Texas at San Antonio


Business Service Specialist

Grade Boss

Overall Report Card

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I have never worked for this person but she is a fellow former colleague. In the first few weeks upon your employment, she is delightful to work with. She will assist and answer any questions you may have. However, as the weeks go by her insecurities and ego will start to show. For starters, she will harshly criticise people of higher positions if they tend to be well put together, professional and good looking. Diana’s insecurities is she is overweight, messy, doesn’t take good care of herself professionally and possibly personally, she’s in her forties with no college education and with no variety skills or trade. I had picked up on this the first few weeks I had started there when I noticed how rude and vile she was towards another employer who was a director (if I recall correctly) from another dept during a virtual meeting. The Director was kind, patient and pleasant with her interaction with Diana as she was processing out for another job. Diana on the other hand was not at all great in her customer service skills towards her! Diana will state that the Director ignores her emails or is an air head to justify her actions. Please note, Directors have lots of responsibilities to manage! Second, I highly doubt a college educated graduate who is supposedly an “air head” would have been employed for such a job. In adding, Diana will state people bully her and are mean to her. Please note she is the one who starts most of the drama and plays the victim when people dishes it right back to her when they have had enough of her antics. Furthermore, she will deliberately talk about the wage gap between males and females in the work place. She may bring up a former employer named Eduardo or Eddy who got picked up for the same job but at another college for a higher salary and how unfair it is because he is a male. For the love of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, she NEVER applied for the job!!!!!! How is it then unfair? As well, she will talk about discrimination towards females from not progressing in their careers. Look, if you were to walk down the hall to the Director’s office for the department (Fiscal), you will notice it is a female. However, she isn’t just any female she is a Chinese immigrant where English was is not her first language and had to learn of the American culture! If anything her achievement is a slap in the face for anyone is an American born citizen who complains about how they can’t progress in their career. If you were to ever prove Diana wrong by stating simple facts, evidence or common sense you will be labeled toxic, difficult to work with, mean and etc. She will complain to the manager and create a narrative where you were rude or mean. I would advise to almost record your interaction with Diana so you can prove and defend yourself from Diana’s stupidity. Finally, I do not recommend getting a ride in her car in traveling for work related purposes unless you want to see weeks old fast food leftovers on the floor or piles of dirty used Kleenex tissues all over your seat.

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