Boss Report Card

Christopher Gilbert


Orion Marine Group


Pompous Director of IT

Grade Boss

Overall Report Card

1 review

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Overall Report Card

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Individual Report Cards

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Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




Christopher Gilbert is currently the Director of IT for Orion Marine Group, Orion Group Holdings. This guy, is completely clueless on team building and comes across as a know-it-all, but really knows nothing about anything, he can't even connect his own docking station to his laptop. What kind of IT director is that?? He'll act nice to some people and turn around and throw them under the bus when they are not around. This guy, once told us he could not define what being "professional" was, this was a huge red flag. In our video conference meetings this guy was always irritated, (mind you he works from home most of the week) and physically upset, sighing, deep breathing, rolling his eyes, taking his glasses off constantly and touches his eyes to show his level of annoyance to the people in his virtual meetings. This is the worst director I have ever worked with. If you are an employer consider hiring Christopher Gilbert, pass and hire anyone else. This guy will hold your IT team back, and stab people in the back left and right.

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