Boss Report Card

Brian McCrone




CFO and VP Commercial Excellence Joint Replacement

Grade Boss

Overall Report Card

1 review

Individual Report Cards

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Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




Overall Report Card

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Individual Report Cards

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Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




Brian has everyone above him fooled, but his peers and members of his team see him quite clearly as an inauthentic, out-for-himself, loud talker who parrots the mannerisms of those above him without fully understanding any context. Every person on his team who has the capability to leave the company has done so, leaving only the most sub-mediocre talent behind. As his peers leave the company, he is inexplicably given more responsibility by senior decision makers at Stryker, despite the fact that he personally oversaw the loss of tens of millions over the course of several years when he was in charge of Stryker Performance Solutions. Somehow Brian has escaped the otherwise quite reliable leadership screening process at Stryker. If he is put in charge of a Stryker P&L as many predict he may be, expect that P&L to suffer severely and any talent to seek an exit immediately. Make no mistake, his ability to manage up and punch down is second to none. If you are considering taking a position working anywhere on his team or in an adjacent team, run for the hills.

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