Boss Report Card

Amina Okosi


ulta beauty


GENERAL MANAGER ulta beauty hyattsville

Grade Boss

Overall Report Card

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Individual Report Cards

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Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




Overall Report Card

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Individual Report Cards

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Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




Don't work for ulta run. I don’t like myself at this job. I don’t like what this environment has turned me into. You know it’s bad when you cry every shift Experienced emotional abuse from members of the team. Been gaslighted manipulate by our condensing competent and disrespectful services manager and General Manager. Spoken to HR, and Area Services Manager about how unhappy Ive been and all they say is we value you but all I feel is devalued. On the team there are great employees and then there are employees who don’t want to be held accountable. The General Manager and services manager is one of those employees Since she was hired it has been absolute hell. When questioned about her actions she gives bullshit excuses. Micro aggression is real. The unfair points system. Upper management’s stupid unrealistic expectations in this inflationary time. I don’t know any college student who wants to work here when all the other retailers in the mall pay more. Why work here for minimum wage when you can go scoop ice cream in the food court and get paid $15/hr? Not to mention the PTSD I have from witnessing theft, guests verbally abuse us and, great employees resign every month. Im over it. Ulta needs to take a serious look at the toxic culture and make some changes or they are going to continue to lose more talent. I get it. Ulta is a business. They need to make a profit but no one should be penalized for being legitimately sick. Furthermore, I believe Ulta has gotten away from actually training and developing their employees especially when it comes to product knowledge, policies, or MUA. All they care about is cards and KPI’s. You can give the best customer service here and get praised by customers here but if the numbers don’t add up there is literally no positive reinforcement. I running away from this toxic company and never looking back was the best decision I ever made for my mental health.

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