Boss Report Card

Adele Schroeder


PS 59



Grade Boss

Overall Report Card

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Individual Report Cards

What do they mean?

Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




Overall Report Card

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Individual Report Cards

What do they mean?

Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




Adele is a very knowledgeable principal. She cares deeply about students and wants them to succeed. She is also very disorganized and struggles to keep track of all the various tasks required by a principal. Emails are often sent last minute. She can become fixated on minor issues (the way a bookcase is positioned, how quietly students walk in the hallway, the tidiness of a closet, for some examples) rather than focusing on the bigger picture (are students happy? Are they engaged?). Adele is very reticent to admit any faults of her own and struggles with developing trust by her teachers. She is known to speak poorly of some teachers behind their backs to other teachers, to hold grudges if she feels like a teacher hasn't been adequately respectful towards her, and to offer judgment rather than authentic support if a teacher is struggling. Rather than ask for help, most teachers try their best to solve problems on their own because the school isn't an environment where asking for help is okay. At the same time, she can be very generous- offering special treats for teachers during meetings, hosting a big end-of-year party at her home every year, etc. It's confusing to work for her because you never know what you're going to get. Authenticity is hard for her, although she can seem very charming. She displays many classic traits of narcissm. For example, she has favorite teachers who she seemingly rewards by sending them to more frequent PDs, and asking them to model teaching to others. However, these favorites can quickly fall out of favor, and even while on the "good list" are often asked to superhuman tasks from day-to-day and not expected to complain. She expects to be "respected" or seen as right. She struggles with anyone disagreeing with her. People who disagree or offer alternative points of view will be seen as threats, and often targeted.

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