Boss Report Card

Tiara C. Johnson


The Aerospace Corporation



Grade Boss

Overall Report Card

1 review

Individual Report Cards

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Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




Overall Report Card

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Individual Report Cards

What do they mean?

Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




Tiara was my manager at the Aerospace Corporation. When I began working there, our working relationship was in good shape, with regular communication and helpfulness despite a very rough onboarding process. My customer's program office experienced issues communicating expectations and deadlines as a matter of course, and they elected to go straight to her with their concerns, rather than discussing them first with me. I was never in good standing in her eyes after that, despite my working with my customer to resolve the conflict. After another Aerospace employee misrepresented the status of my work despite my being in regular contact and in good standing with those to whom I was accountable, Tiara chose to eliminate my position rather than pursue other placement options for me. These events occurred more than 15 years into my established career in aerospace and defense, and never had I been treated so poorly by a manager or by my employer.

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