Boss Report Card

Marlene Heying


Wuxi apptec


Manager, Chemistry

Grade Boss

Overall Report Card

1 review

Individual Report Cards

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Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




Overall Report Card

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Individual Report Cards

What do they mean?

Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




Major problems with competency, communication, employee training, and honesty. For instance, she manages LCMS processors but doesn’t know any LCMS processing. She’s failed multiple competency exams from management about her interdisciplinary knowledge. Her idea of helping those who struggle in training is to meet with them weekly and have them “self-assess” (figure out your own solutions while she types it out in front of you and cheers you on while relating everything to her study of religion, which is awkward). What’s even more awkward is in her meetings she doesn’t look at you she types what is being said the whole time. She claims other people have communication problems yet she fully admits to regularly not reading emails and often sends one word responses to the emails she receives. Above all else I found her to be frequently dishonest. She was VERY willing to lie to me. I was lied to about the reason for meetings and the reason for policy changes. She hides the peer review scores of her processors and will readily tell you how she cooked the books in several instances to allow certain workers to get signed-off yet simultaneously throws the book at others. When she let me go I was on injury leave and she told me she needed me to come in to get an eye exam. What a sleezy thing to do, I don’t trust her and you shouldn’t either.

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