Boss Report Card

Amaliya Nikorak


Zupans Markets


Store Director

Grade Boss

Overall Report Card

1 review

Individual Report Cards

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Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




Overall Report Card

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Individual Report Cards

What do they mean?

Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




A lot of us had high hopes for Amaliya becoming store director. Since we had always had men in charge. Unfortunately it became quite clear pretty quickly she had favorites and she made it clear who she didn't like. I had heard negative things in the past from coworkers who had worked with her at other locations and they all had negative things to say. But, I tried to keep a clear mind to make my own judgement when she started working at our location. I've noticed anyone who says hi or good morning to her whom she does not like, she barely acknowledges you. But, then you will witness her greeting someone she does like with an excited tone. Makes you feel like crap, and makes her extremely unapproachable. I wish it were different, while our previous manager might not as been quite as proactive as Amaliya he was extremely approachable, understanding, showed empathy, and had a bond with almost every employee and it felt authentic, not fake.

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