So You Want to Be a Contractor? Here’s What You Need to Know

So you want to be a contractor? It’s a great career choice, but it’s not as easy as just hanging out your shingle. There are some important things you need to know before becoming a general contractor. In this blog post, we will discuss the steps you need to take to become a contractor, the necessary licenses and certifications, and what to expect once you are in business. We will also provide some helpful tips for running your contracting business successfully.

Obtain Necessary Licenses and Certifications

The first step to becoming a contractor is to obtain the necessary licenses and certifications. Depending on where you live, these requirements may vary, but generally speaking, you will need to pass certain exams or take certain classes in order to become licensed or certified. You may need a business license as well. Be sure to check with your local authorities for specific requirements in your area. Click here for the General Contractor License Prep Course, which can help you get all the critical knowledge and experience needed to become a licensed contractor.

Get Insurance

No matter how careful you are when working on projects, things can still go wrong. This is why it’s crucial that all contractors carry proper insurance coverage. Not only does this help protect yourself from potential lawsuits, but it also helps protect your clients if something goes wrong with the work you do. Make sure to research different policies and find one that meets your needs,  and to find one that has a kind of crediting method that you think will work for you well, whether that is fixed rate indexed annuities or something else.

Seek Legal Advice

As a contractor, you will likely be working on projects for many different clients. Some clients will be straightforward to deal with. However, others may prove more challenging. You may find yourself with clients that attempt to change the terms of your agreement or those that fail to pay you within the specified timescale. Dealing with these kinds of issues is time-consuming and often expensive. Seeking legal advice from business litigation specialists and gaining help with writing client contracts will help you avoid the stress of business disputes, making it easier to run your company successfully.

Establish a Business Plan

Setting up a business plan is essential for any contractor looking to be successful. This document should include information such as how you will market yourself, who your target clients are, how much you plan to charge for services, and more. This can also help you establish goals and determine if you have enough capital to invest in the necessary equipment or supplies needed for certain projects. It’s also important to set aside money for taxes and expenses that may come up during the course of running your business.


Networking is an essential part of any contracting business. You need to make sure you are meeting people and building relationships within your industry. Get involved in trade shows, attend home improvement expos and start attending local events. This will help get your name out there and potentially lead to more clients.

Track Your Expenses

Make sure all of your expenses for each job or project is tracked accurately and efficiently. Not only is this important for tax purposes, but it can also help you price future jobs more effectively by helping you determine which projects were most profitable. A good accounting system should be set up from day one so that everything is organized and easy to access when needed.

By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to achieving success as a contractor. With the right license, insurance, business plan, networking plan and expense tracking system in place, you can be sure that your contracting business will succeed.