Boss Report Card

Warren Sapp


Western Extruisons


Scheduling/Shipping Manager

Grade Boss

Overall Report Card

1 review

Individual Report Cards

What do they mean?

Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




Overall Report Card

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Individual Report Cards

What do they mean?

Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




Possibly the biggest weasel I've ever encountered in the professional world. This guy doesn't even seem human. Not that he's a mean guy but he has no traits that someone could relate to. He's clearly not a happy person and his goal every day is to prevent you from achieving your goals. He creates lies and fictional scenario to start problems and then he'll dip out and hide after he's stirred the pot. He never has answers, commitments, truths, or useful information and if he does you can bet your bottom dollar he won't speak a word of it to you. This guy will take every holiday off but if you work for him you'll be working holidays while the rest of the company is off of work. It just seems like he gets off on creating rifts and cutting people down in order to disguise the fact that he does nothing at work. His own employees talk about him sleeping behind his desk every day

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