Boss Report Card

Todd Johnson


National Grid


Director - Sandy Pond HVDC

Grade Boss

Overall Report Card

1 review

Individual Report Cards

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Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




Overall Report Card

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Individual Report Cards

What do they mean?

Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




Todd was hands-down the worst manager I’ve ever worked for. His poor leadership and toxic personality was a major cause of the workplace dysfunction, poor morale and poor employee retention rate that was rampant during my time working under him. His form of ‘management,’ if you could even call it that was more of a self-management style, under which he had several senior-level employees with more knowledge, most notably in the field of electrical engineering report back to him. He did not sit in the same office as the engineers and wasn’t always onsite. As such, the extent of knowledge of his direct reports’ progress and achievements was based on others’ feedback, rather than his own observations. His hands-off approach and absence set the stage for workplace miscommunication and unchecked misbehavior of the senior-level employees. As if that wasn’t bad enough, his workplace conduct was completely unprofessional - intentionally pitting employees against each other by starting rumours and other falsehoods. When time came for employee performance reviews, he refused to make eye-contact with you, a tell-tale sign of insincerity and untrustworthiness. The following were hallmarks of my time under Todd: 1. Employee favoritism, 2. Micromanagement, 3. Narcissistic behavior, 4. Public humiliation/criticism of employees, 5. Secretive and excluding behavior, 6. Unprofessional workplace practices including an ‘unofficial’ employee timekeeping spreadsheet that was used to unfairly rate employee performance.

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