Boss Report Card

Susana Golec-Haughton




Director of Compliance

Grade Boss

Overall Report Card

1 review

Individual Report Cards

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Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




Overall Report Card

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Individual Report Cards

What do they mean?

Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




Despite great background and experience, unfortunately Susana's attitude towards people on her team is very poor. She talks down to people and is not afraid of raising her voice or mistreating them. On the first day I met her, she openly acknowledged she is a control freak and her level of micromanagement created a hostile and toxic environment to a point that working in the company became unbearable. She was very dishonest about her subordinate's future at the company where she would tell them there is a path forward for them in their role and she thinks they are great at their job, but only until she needed them. Only a few weeks after, she let them know she doesn't think they are a good fit and there is no future at the company for them. Level of disrespectful behavior and dishonesty, has deteriorated our mental health at work and I personally don't wish this on anybody.

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