Boss Report Card

Steven Panse


NextEra Energy


Central Maintenance Manager

Grade Boss

Overall Report Card

2 reviews

Individual Report Cards

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Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




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Individual Report Cards

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Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




The review above sounds pretty accurate. I didn't work for him directly but worked around him. When I was still working for FPL he was on the fossil side of the business.The way that he would talk about his employees behind closed doors was completely unacceptable.. I can't say anything more about him because I had limited experience with him but I did witness multiple contractors leaving the site when they found out he was gonna be the oversight.

Overall Report Card

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Individual Report Cards

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Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




Steven Panse is the most insatiable person I have ever worked for. He is a career stopper and looks for ways to trap you. All his employees dislike him and loth working for him. He is known for giving vague direction on propose so he can belittle you later about it. He offers no solutions to problems, just blame. He leads with fear and will step on his subordinates every chance he can. He lives for control and when he doesn't have it, he will harm your career over it. The problem with him is he is extremely intelligent and that makes him dangerous. I was a high performer for him and forced myself to get along with him long enough to get out on good terms. My poor team is left behind. Avoid this man at all cost.

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