Boss Report Card

Richard Zazo


Matter Product Studio



Grade Boss

Overall Report Card

1 review

Individual Report Cards

What do they mean?

Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




Overall Report Card

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Individual Report Cards

What do they mean?

Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




A literally nightmare. He means option A but will give you every single bit of information that can literally only logically point to Option B and then he flips out on you for not reading his mind that he actually wanted Option A.instead of outright saying it. He'll rant about best practices then make on the fly changes whenever he wants so that you actually cannot follow the best practices he sets out. Which means you get lectured about your "mistakes" every other day. When he's in a bad mood he'll take it out on you and blame you for the sky being blue because he wanted it green today. You can do an assigned task perfectly only to have him question your process just so he can jump in and lecture about how HE would have done the task and then he'll make another "best practice process" around how he would have done it even though the outcome was exactly what he wanted. He masks micromanagement as being "transparent" and he needs to know every single thing going on of every single moment so he can critique you on it. He will give you ZERO trust to execute even the smallest thing. This is a literal no win situation and I would stay away unless you love micromanagement, passive aggressive messages, biploar attitudes, lectures, impending doom feeling 24 hours a day, gaslighting, and every other toxic trait a.person could have as a boss. Run. Run far away. He can sell ice to an Eskimo during the hiring process but it is more like hell once you join on.

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