Boss Report Card

Rex Robinson


Dan the Moving Man



Grade Boss

Overall Report Card

1 review

Individual Report Cards

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Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




Overall Report Card

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Individual Report Cards

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Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




He's a younger guy, who is in the process of 'buying' the business from the former owner, Dan the Piano man. It's his inexperience in professional settings that exemplify his bad boss behavior. Such as, He's never wrong, He will Never tailors his management style to fit the employees he works with, what you see is what you get; And that entails rude behavior, interruptions while your working, sudden layoffs that externally adds to your immediate workload. Messages that never get replied to and he's mosey. Like listens to your calls and goes through your desk when you're not working. I've worked with a lot of different people in my life, and this guy is the absolute worst. If you don't kiss his ass or let him win the game, whatever that may be; you're gone. FYI, People who get what they want all the time, those are called babies.

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