Boss Report Card

Phenicia McCullough


Cal State Fullerton


Associate Vice President, Human Resources

Grade Boss

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Where should i begin? Like the other posters stated, Phenicia is very challenging to work with. One day you are on top of the world in her eyes and within the hour you could be lower than dirt to where dirt is sorry for you. She is a micro-manager and will not look at you in the hallway or acknowledge you if she does not like you. She does not have a good poker face when talking to you. Also, she cannot identify talent. She claims she can, but she only hires those that are willing to do what she wants, when she wants. Those that have a mindset to strive for better things are rejected by her. She hired our wonderfully talented people who did not add any value other than the fact she like them (Alex Keyes, Taylor Peak, Antoinette, Julia, Jasmine, Ann, Tammy D. (a Recruiting Director with no recruiting experience), etc.), rejects those that add value and have proven they can create, develop, implement and enhance programs for the positive (Jeff, Candice, Melvin, Rachel, Gabi, Stephen, Joanne, Tami, Sarah), and of course subsequently tries to take credit for the programs when are successful.and promotes people who have no idea what they are doing or even qualified for the role (Arlene, Rachel R., Taylor, Alex, Jaime). However, she also blacklists applicants (internal and external) but will never admit to it, but ask her about her excel spreadsheet that is kept by the recruiting staff. Then let's talk about how she destroys departments within HR itself (Robin, Andreus, Shannon, Griselda) and penalizes those that didn't vote to hire "David Forgeus" as the VP and retaliates by demoting those that didn't vote for him to get hired (Robin, Victoria) or leaving them in the same position because they didn't vote one way or another (John). She also chooses not to do exit interviews with her own HR staff if she doesn't like them because she does not want to hear true feedback (micro-manage, non direction, non supportive, non communicative). She promises things to employees to keep them and tell the employees what they need to hear, but never follows-up with it or gets mad when the employees asks about it 6-12 months later...then you are on the hit list at that point.

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Phenicia is the worst boss ever. She is the perfect poster-child of the proverbial "do as I say, not as I do". She is selective in promoting only her favorite employees, regardless of skill, over others better qualified. She hides the truth from her own employees while helping line the pockets of her favorites. One of her favorites, Antoinette Roberts, was promoted from a Business Analyst to an HR Manager with NO HR experience whatsoever, then 6 months after that promoted again to a Payroll Manager. But no announcement was EVER made about the first promotion until Antoinette accidentally told some people about it. There was also NO announcement to the campus community when she was promoted again to the Payroll Manager. Antoinette has NO HR experience and NO payroll experience, yet she is the one in charge of 5,000+ paychecks. Antoinette also lacks educational experience...working for a Higher Education institute, in a position of Leadership with only a High School Diploma. How does that work? Phenicia has proven she only will promote those she likes (Alex Keyes, Antoinette Roberts, Taylor Peak) and will completely bypass those with the ACTUAL skill set in performing those duties. She only prefers "yes-men" who report to her. Not one of her Managers will challenge her, they just say "yes" to whatever she wants them to do. She is also one of the WORST micro-managers at CSUF and probably Orange County. She is a dictator and things always have to be done her way. She is the WORST at follow-up and is never on time for her own meetings, however, she DEMANDS that you follow-up with her and if you are on time to a meeting, in her eyes you are late. She needs to be held accountable to the SAME standards as everyone else is in HR. She also has way too many people reporting to her. She controls half the Division and supposedly wants more. She needs to be stopped

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Like the other poster said, she is the Queen of micromanagement. She for sure is the type that tells you what to do, but never follows up and never responds to you unless it's in her best interest. One of the worst bosses EVER.

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