Boss Report Card

Matt Jones


Vail Resorts


General Manager

Grade Boss

Overall Report Card

1 review

Individual Report Cards

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Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




Overall Report Card

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Individual Report Cards

What do they mean?

Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




Matt likes to give and take credit when things go right and he places blame and puts people down when things go wrong. Attacks with feedback unless he likes you, but is absent from employee development, which is disappointing considering his tenure and experience with the company. Quick to recognize good work, but dont count on that recognition to make it to your performance review. His leadership looks inspiring upon first glance, but he takes his frustration out on employees and doesn't dive deeper into details more than a cursory look, often misjudging those who work for him. His leadership is inauthentic and I've witnessed him call some of his employees' opinions "bullshit". At a company meeting he made a video in which he refers to customers and homeowners at Kirkwood as "dumbasses" for getting excited about and not fully understanding why a November opening date was unrealistic after snowfall. Long term his leadership was disappointing. His tendency to blame others demonstrates underdeveloped leadership skills and lack of real accountability. If he assumed mutual accountability and worked with his team to develop them instead of placing blame, it would demonstrate ownership of his operation and care for people, but his behavior hasn't demonstrated authentic ownership or care. It has cost him many managers and employees, and that cost the company and Kirkwood in terms of training cost and lost investment in people. Turnover is frighteningly high under his leadership. If you work for him, make sure he likes you and you don't make mistakes or disagree with him, the culture he leads with fakes care and gets reactive and defensive if challenged with alternative viewpoints, suggestions to do better, or substantial complaints. He's not afraid to play the game and discredit those who call out major failures in the operation, and will absolutely plan and execute such activities to discredit detractors - which greatly escalates issues and dissatisfaction unnecessarily.

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