Boss Report Card

Lucie Strawser


The Spine and Joint Center


Billing Manager

Grade Boss

Overall Report Card

1 review

Individual Report Cards

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Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




Overall Report Card

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Individual Report Cards

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Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




Lucie Strawser is a banshee in the guise of a senior Quebecoise. She puts on a nice air for patients and new faces in the office, but once you start working under her, she reveals her not-so-subtle prejudice, her impossibly high standards, and her self-contradictory nature. She would train you to work one way - her way. Any deviations from her method, even if for the better, will be shot down before the day is out. For any occurrence within the office, she can spin the story in as many ways as people are asking about it. She will gossip about anybody that enters the office unless he or she is a personal friend. She refuses to teach anybody else how to perform her tasks, presumably so she cannot be replaced. She will take severe offense at the first sign of sass, to the point of threatening violence. Overall, I would refrain from working at this office, at least until this old bat bites the dust.

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