Boss Report Card

Lori burrell


Hyatt corporate


Project / Program Manger

Grade Boss

Overall Report Card

1 review

Individual Report Cards

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Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




Overall Report Card

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Individual Report Cards

What do they mean?

Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




She pretends to be for you, but the whole time is rooting against you. She has a, nasty personality; I saw her disrespect employees in team meetings but then buy cupcakes the next day as a peace offering. She doesn't believe in apologies, She will make up false reports that you are doing poorly, pull a project from you to give it to someone else to take the credit after you did most of the work.. ( someone she’s close too) If you correct her when she’s wrong about you in a team meeting . she will say, don’t ever correct her in public; let her be right about you when she’s wrong, or else she will make a reason in the future. She will spread rumors about her team and act like she’s correcting workplace gossip when it comes from her. It was my worst experience with her! She’s hypocritical!

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