Boss Report Card

Laura Crucet


Pig + Fig Bakery and Cafe



Grade Boss

Overall Report Card

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Individual Report Cards

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Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




Overall Report Card

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Individual Report Cards

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Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




Dr. Jeckyl and Ms. Hyde as a boss. If she's having a bad day, you better believe it rolls down hill. If she's in a good place, everything is sunshine and honey. Blames her mistakes on others (mistakes on supply orders, etc). Does not honor verbal agreements. Belittles employees behind their backs. Directly verbally abusive. One week she made approximately 85% of her employees cry and go home early over what her second in command considered trivialities. Hypocritical as well as she prides herself on not letting customers abuse her staff. She reserves that perk for herself. Does not clean up after herself, ever. EVER. She literally vomited in a work-area trash can and left it for someone else to deal with. Passive aggressive when not being openly abusive. Extremely poor time management/estimation. If it takes less than an hour, in her mind it takes "five minutes." Multiple years of my life completely wasted and I have no idea why I put up with the abuse and exploitation.

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