Boss Report Card

Kathie Cordova


Parsons Federal Credit Union


Business development

Grade Boss

Overall Report Card

1 review

Individual Report Cards

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Overall Report Card

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Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




I can't say enough bad things about this person. She acts very entitled and since she is supposedly married to a Parsons Executive she walks around Pasadena like she is Mrs. Parsons. Her resume says that she was a loan professional come on, the credit union only did a few loans a week and that was when we were having some kind of promotion. Then she would stand in the Loan Vice Presidents office and talk about the persons personal business. She also talked about everyone in the office, it was a hostile work environment! She also put that she is associated with Cal Poly Pomona thats probably fiction also. Just because you took a class there doesn't make you an alumni! Of course, she looks good in her tight little skirts that she loves to wear and has Republican views which made her a good choice for this position with the head of the credit union. Frankly, she could never get her wedding planned so I don't see how she could plan all the events that her job entails. She was also not at all computer literate so that's another problem.

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