Boss Report Card

Julie K. Mantz


Financial Brokerage


Commission Supervisor

Grade Boss

Overall Report Card

1 review

Individual Report Cards

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Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




Overall Report Card

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Individual Report Cards

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Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




She does not allow people to go by their chosen names. She makes people go by their first or middle legal names. For example, one woman's name was Cathy, but she did not like it, so she made her go by her middle name Ann. She constantly is in turmoil with an employee. Her is how it goes, one employee leaves and she starts to put down another employee. She implies the employee is stupid. Once the new employee starts they are greatest and can do wrong and she tell the new employee she is so glad they are there b/c employee A is a problem. I saw her to do this 4 times in a year and half. She also refuses to hire anyone who is older than her b/c she said they wont be able to take direction from her. She also refuses to hir employees who are overweight. The man who she was qualified to do the job she said she couldn't hire because we didn't have any chairs that he could fit in. She never considered ordering any ordering a larger chair.

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