Boss Report Card

Judy A Williams


The Learning Center of North Arkansas



Grade Boss

Overall Report Card

1 review

Individual Report Cards

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Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




Overall Report Card

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Individual Report Cards

What do they mean?

Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




Judy is never at work. She's gone for and weeks at a time. She demands hard work from her teachers but rarely works hard herself. She turns on the "Christian" charm and constantly talk about how hard she works for the Gideons. Do they not know how much she drinks, gambles and screws around? She moved a man in with her the second her latest husband died. Judy can act like the most loving and kind woman to our boss, Karla. She loves the title but has no clue how to actually work. I love the people we serve. If it weren't for them, I would quit in a second. Every year our group prays for her to retire and every year she prances back in because she's greedy. She could care less about our mission or purpose. It's time for Karla Gray to stand up, admit that Judy is a liability to the learning center and stop renewing her contract.

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