Boss Report Card

Joseph Adams


Customs and Border Protection


Director, Policy and Compliance

Grade Boss

Overall Report Card

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Individual Report Cards

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Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




Overall Report Card

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Individual Report Cards

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Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




Where do I begin? CBP is an AMAZING place to work. Let me just start there. However, there are always going to be a few bad apples and this man is ROTTON TO THE CORE! For one, he is a complete sexist and has used the phrase "I feel like what I am saying is not PENETRATING you" to female employees. Who TF says that? Then when you call him out on it, he has the AUDACITY to act like YOU have a problem. Joseph treats women and men who work for him COMPLETELY different and has even openly talked about female employees personal business!!! IN THE OPEN!!! He is in charge of Policy and Compliance but he does NOTHING by the book. He CONSTANTLY micro-manages people who work in his department to the point that within a year all 10 employees have either left or are trying to get away from him! He stands behind employees while they are working and even went so far as to make it mandatory that you log into MS Messenger so he can track if you are online. If you have a doctors appointment, do you think he cares? He will CALL YOU while you are at your appointment and ask "When are you coming back?" That is a complete HIPPA violation.

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