Boss Report Card

John Asseff


Crosscountry Mortgage


Loan Officer/Branch Manager

Grade Boss

Overall Report Card

1 review

Individual Report Cards

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Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




Overall Report Card

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Individual Report Cards

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Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




Standard racist, sexist old man boss. Thinks 40 hours is minimum you work and rarely pays overtime. I wish I could put into words how much I hated working for this person. Overly religious, told me he wouldn't give me a raise if we weren't friends, obsessed with having the last word, overly sensitive (gets angry easily, literally got into a physical fight with a relative he hired), believes women are less than men (yes, he literally told me men and women do not walk shoulder to shoulder). Expected unpaid OT, expected you to work through your lunch, and was extremely disruptive and distracting. Has a car salesman personality, narcissistic, and thinks if you don't put on a fake front too then you're not a good employee. Each of these issues is 10/10 too, not a sort of some of the time. Also, the office is seriously awful. He has a better building that's much nicer but refuses to use it. It's embarrassing to bring clients in for work.

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