Boss Report Card

Jin Ding


Panda Express



Grade Boss

Overall Report Card

1 review

Individual Report Cards

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Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




Overall Report Card

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Individual Report Cards

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Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




Do not adequately train workers. Expect me to train them when I only worked there for a month. Tired of doing managers’ homework for them. Also put food in my face that she grabbed directly from the pan with her bare hands that I was allergic to, to prove a point on how to serve food. Talks down to every single worker like they are peasants. Will never work for her again. Many people that I work with also have this mindset about her. Customers actually come back to the store to complain about her when she serves them. One time she took a plate I made for a customer and checked the weight of the plate in front of the customer. The customer and I would casually joke about it every time he would stop by for food. But Absolutely horrible management team overall . Many of the coworkers there believe this to their core as well, they just stay there cause the check looks pretty okay. After a while it’s so draining especially when you are new worker and no one is there to adequately train you to do anything so everything you do is a surprise.

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