Boss Report Card

Jesse Linder


T5 Data Centere


Assistant Critical Facilities Manager

Grade Boss

Overall Report Card

1 review

Individual Report Cards

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Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




Overall Report Card

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Individual Report Cards

What do they mean?

Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




I never speak negatively of any coworker, and always give the benefit of the doubt, but this this person is undeniably mentally ill. He was unhirable in San Antonio and was an Uber driver until T5 Datacenters saw fit to make him a manager. He will constantly, and incessantly, seek to undermine anybody he works with. He sees the workplace as a zero sum game, and he will pathologically nitpick anything and everything to anybody that will hear him out. He will latch onto anybody in a position of authority and blow so much smoke up their behind they will both think they are bulletproof. He does best working remotely and never to be allowed supervision over people as he will bully and harass them.

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