Boss Report Card

Jenn Ragonese


Dollar Tree


Store Manager

Grade Boss

Overall Report Card

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Overall Report Card

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Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




Although this person doesn’t work here anymore(she now works at Savers), she was more than just a bad boss. She was a bully to employees and customers alike, her store was a mess, and she used cruel and unusual punishment. Besides verbal and emotional harassment, she was possibly a sexual predator as well. It got so bad that on days I knew she was there, I purposely took off because she berated me relentlessly all day. When my grandmother had a serious stroke in the hospital which I found out at work and cried. Not only did she not let me go home but she laughed at me, mocked me, and told me to get per it. I worked there from 18-20. On nights where it was just me and her two favorites. They sat in the back room eating and who knows what else while I took care of the entire store while they taunted me. She was also very racist and transphobic to customers behind their back but one time a MtF trans woman heard and looked like she would cry. She also called me names on a regular basic and when I told her I was going to school to be a therapist, she sarcastically laughed and me. She also sent me home because I wasn’t supposed to ring up my boyfriend even though that rule didn’t apply to others. I did listen nonetheless and told him that I wasn’t able to ring his items and he’d have to find another cashier l, but just then the lady in front of him would buy his items and take his money once they were out the door. This seemed reasonable and was holding up the line so I alllowed the transaction. Not only did she scream at me, she sent me home and wrote me up. Another time I bought a one dollar energy drink on break (everything was a dollar after all). I finished it and didn’t think much of it but a couple hours later, Jenn accused me of stealing it. I usually leave the receipt with it but it was already thrown out. I begged her to ask the cashier who sold it to me but instead she made me sift through garbage as a form of humiliation for at least an hour, all while saying I’m fired if I can’t find it. Eventually the coworker who sold it to me confirmed it was true but Jenn never apologized. Eventually I transferred to another even busier Dollar Tree and the people were nice or at least fair. Jenn would sometimes only give me 4 hours a week and told me it was because I was a lousy worker but this ended up being false. I worked almost everyday at this new location making employee of the month frequently and was praised by my managers. However Jenn Ragonese is still out there at a new store now but she needs to lose her job on account of abuse of employees and customers. She will get her comeuppance soon because I haven’t even hit the tip of the iceberg of all she’s done and on top of that, she just wasn’t very good at her job and everything was a mess even for Dollar Tree standards.

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