Boss Report Card

Jacqueline Alexandruk




Worst Boss I've Ever Had...

Grade Boss

Overall Report Card

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Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




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Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




I worked with Jackie for a month or two when I was waiting for a permanent position with the company. Things were alright in the beginning but I started to see how Jackie treated her staff. She would make them cry and harass them, on multiple occasions. She finally came after me and continued to harass me one day at the pharmacy forcing me to leave the premises and reporting the situation the regional manager. I was transferred to a different location however, Jackie was NEVER reprimanded for her behavior and continues to get away with doing these actions to this day. I despised going to that pharmacy eventually and dreaded my job. She has a reputation in the Safeway Edmonton area as being hard to work with and generally not a very nice, selfish individual. Avoid working at her location at all costs, Safeway will not care.

Overall Report Card

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Individual Report Cards

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Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




Openly harasses employees in front of other employees. Verbally and mentally abusive towards employees to the point of crying. The company and regional managers are aware of her behavior and let her get away with it, time after time. When this matter was taken to the union, she blatantly lied to avoid any reprimands. Regional manager just kept making up excuses to avoid every dealing with the matter. I was ultimately forced to resign because of her behavior and retired from the profession.

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