Boss Report Card

Ibilola (Lola) Ajayi


Crowborough Pharmacy / Innomar Pharmacy


Abusive Narcissist

Grade Boss

Overall Report Card

1 review

Individual Report Cards

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Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




Overall Report Card

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Individual Report Cards

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Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




This woman thinks she can do no wrong and will never take responsibility for anything going wrong in the workplace. When she worked for Innomar, she would bleed staff because nobody wanted to work with her after so long. She would conspire to fire staff behind their backs and ambush them when they would put in their notice, forcing them to walk out. This would happen over and over again, staff would consistently complain to the head office but nothing was ever done. The company did eventually catch on to how difficult she was to work with, due to the high employee turnover rate, and let her go. She has a very bad temper and has absolutely no patience for anything, expecting the world from her staff and turning them against each other. This woman should not be a manager anywhere, she is nothing but a narcissist who abuses her staff.

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