Boss Report Card

Darpan Telwala


MTA New York City Transit


General Superintendent

Grade Boss

Overall Report Card

4 reviews

Individual Report Cards

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Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




Overall Report Card

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Individual Report Cards

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Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




Avoid!!! A micromanager who undercuts his people, and kisses up to his bosses while taking credit for the work of his subordinates! Poor communicator who doesn't do anything all day unless his boss sends him an email and then he forwards it on to someone who reports to him to tell them to handle it while emailing his boss back to say he's on the case! Doesn't follow his own rules. Lies to his staff, breaks his commitments, does not foster a team atmosphere and if you question him he'll tell you because he said so or because he's the boss!!! If you want to get a better sense of what he's like, google "12 traits bad bosses have in common" because he is literally all 12. If he didn't work for the MTA he'd have been fired long ago.

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