Boss Report Card

Corina Dillavou


Speedway LLC


Store leader

Grade Boss

Overall Report Card

1 review

Individual Report Cards

What do they mean?

Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




Overall Report Card

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Individual Report Cards

What do they mean?

Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




This woman is very toxic. She talks about each of her employees to every employee and then is kind to everyone’s face at the same time. She sleeps in the office for 2-3 hours a day at least once a week. She does whatever she can to push her work onto her employees that aren’t paid for the job. Once you do something to piss her off, she’ll cut your hours and blame sales on it. She will blatantly disrespect you if you’re not on her good side. She refuses to allow you to speak to her boss, because she’s afraid of you getting on their good side. Instead of communicating with all of her employees, she will pass information to one or two of her leads then expect you to tell everyone else. She will never come in to cover her store if need be, she just puts it on other people and gets mad about it when you can’t. She refuses to sleep calls if she’s not at work and then belittle ls you to customers and other supervisors

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