Boss Report Card

Christina Gross


Costco Wholesale Logistics


Regional Manager of Bay Area

Grade Boss

Overall Report Card

1 review

Individual Report Cards

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Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




Overall Report Card

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Individual Report Cards

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Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




By many Logistics employees she is called a “Tyrant.” If you are unlucky to work for her. Do the following protect yourself, gather evidence of wrong doing, and make sure you gather your time/dates. She did not want to work with an employee who is a caregiver for an elderly parent. That employee had to give up the job she loved and leave the work family behind. She refused to change the schedule to help with financial obligations to help the employee stay afloat with her disabled parent. I really do not understand why some people don’t have a heart. I do wish those who have to deal with her the best. Seriously my heart goes out to you to deal with this god forsaken woman. Costco should seriously fire her. 😡

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