Boss Report Card

Cassidy Jean Hamill


Fersa-NKE Bearings


Junior Supply Chain Analyst

Grade Boss

Overall Report Card

1 review

Individual Report Cards

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Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




Overall Report Card

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Individual Report Cards

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Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




She is way over her head in management with only 4 employees. She thinks she’s smarter than she really is. She’s young at only 23 and has no idea how to manage employees. She is so condescending and talks down to you like you are a child all the time even though you know more then her 99% of the time. When she messes up she finds a way to blame you. She loves to talk about herself and how great she is. She has absolutely no common sense whatsoever. She’s not in touch with reality whatsoever. She’s very disrespectful. She acts entitled and that you are beneath her. She only got this job because of her good looks and it’s so obvious. It’s difficult to want to come to work every day because of her. For the record the job itself is great but dealing with her for 8 hours makes you want to quit all the time. All the other office employees are great to work for but her. Someone like this gives women in management a bad name. To sum it up she’s just a terrible person!

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