Boss Report Card

Anthony Pisani


University of Rochester


Associate Professor

Grade Boss

Overall Report Card

1 review

Individual Report Cards

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Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




Overall Report Card

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Individual Report Cards

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Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




Beware, most people like him initially until they spend any significant amount of time working with him. Tony Pisani is by far one of the worst and most toxic people I have ever met. He lies CONSTANTLY and to everyone, and seems to think it's not obvious. His opinion of himself is weirdly high, and makes no effort whatsoever at self improvement. No matter what feedback you give him, he finds a way to view it so that he can protect his own ego and blame others. It's honestly almost impressive. He has problems with just about everyone he works with and seems completely oblivious that he is the common denominator. He has absolutely zero boundaries and ignores any attempts to put healthy boundaries up, EVEN AFTER YOU STOP WORKING FOR HIM! He "doesn't understand" most LGBTQ+ things, especially anything trans-related. He treats everyone as if they are inferior to him, and treats women as if they are even lower than that. If they get upset with his horrible words and actions he just writes it off as them being emotional. And he's always exceedingly patronizing to the women he works with. Please, for your own sake, avoid him at all costs. Whatever he offers you is not only not worth it, but most likely another one of his seemingly almost compulsive lies.

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