Boss Report Card

Anthony Attan




Director, Learning & Organizational Effectiveness

Grade Boss

Overall Report Card

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Individual Report Cards

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Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




Overall Report Card

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Individual Report Cards

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Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




Anthony Attan had an affair with his direct report Eleanor Polley, for years while he was the director of the learning department at Inovalon. Anthony would act like the nicest guy for the first couple of months you knew him, but then he would flip to be a complete slave driver of a boss. He did this to intentionally get his employees to quit, because he was afraid that anyone who stuck around too long would figure out he was having that affair. Anthony even instructed his employees to neglect vital projects to the company, because he knew that if they failed to complete the tasks, he would have an easy case to fire them. At least one of these projects would have literally cost Inovalon millions of dollars if the employee hadn’t ignored Anthony’s instructions and did the work anyway. Half of Anthony’s staff quit, because he was so awful to them. Anthony ended up firing the other half. Anthony finally lost his job once the affair came out, but not before he completely wiped out the entire staff of the department that he managed. At the end it was just him, the woman he was having the affair with, and one other person, who he had just hired. Inovalon had to completely rebuild the department after he was gone. Anthony even deleted all of his work files from the network, so there was no way for them to easily pick up the pieces and move on. The entire time Anthony held that director position, he was the complete opposite of the ideal leader he was coaching others to be by giving his girlfriend multiple promotions, while the people actually doing all of the department’s work got no recognition, taking whatever measures he needed to keep his wife and newborn baby from finding out. Anthony Attan was a cancer on Inovalon, and I am certain he would treat any other organization the same.

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