Boss Report Card

Angela Strong


Nyack Library



Grade Boss

Overall Report Card

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Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




Angela Strong is a very difficult person to work for. No doubt she suffers from some form of personality disorder. I don't think we ever actually saw her true self. She was clueless about her role as director - so she thought her role was everyone's role. Micromanaging would be kind, she was a control freak. She was a very poor communicator, but then enjoyed publicly chastising employees if they did not do what she wanted the way she wanted, having never expressed her wishes. She took pleasure out of humiliating staff or pointing out their deficiencies, in front of others. During her tenure she had many conflicts with BIPOC on staff - terminating a few of them - some leading to complaints in the community and even to lawsuits (TBD). She spoke to young POC as if they were children or inherently dangerous or they must be homeless, going so far as to ask 2 young people (for no reason at all) if they "had a place to stay tonight." Many longtime staff left because they could no longer tolerate working for her, a huge loss to the library. Ultimately, she was fired by the board. They gave her the grace to say she resigned, but she was fired, they were not going to renew her contract.

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Individual Report Cards

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Employee Development



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Angela is failing as a leader of this library. She failed the staff and she is failing the community. It is fair to say she is just not very good at this, and she does not know what she is doing. Leadership and communication are severely lacking. She cannot acknowledge when she is wrong or issue an apology. She often erupts with anger and says inappropriate things to staff to express her frustration with situations she's unhappy with but are outside their control. Instead of accepting responsibility, as ultimately one should as library director, she blames staff and will say "you don't know how to manage your time" or "you don't know how to do your job". She creates a hostile workplace by undermining the work and opinions of seasoned employees, and micromanaging tasks she should entrust with the employees and supervisors she has hired. She has exhibited an alarming pattern of discriminatory and racist actions, leading to half a dozen POCs resignations/terminations and multiple complaints against her to the board, as well as county agencies. As her reputation in the community declines, it has become harder to work cooperatively with partner organizations who do not want to be associated with her or the library. It's about time the board faces this problem. It's only doing harm to the library's good name.

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Individual Report Cards

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Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




Yes she is very much a micromanager who does not know what she is doing. She had this brilliant idea that each employee should have their individual logons for the ILS so she can track how much each employee is doing. It takes a lot of work to create and maintain these IDs, and for what? She thought it was so brilliant that all the Libraries in the county would soon follow. LOL NO library followed. Angela should be fired for her ineptitude. What a joke of a director.

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