Boss Report Card

Alexandra Mills


Trusted Brand Media


VP of Production

Grade Boss

Overall Report Card

1 review

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Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




Overall Report Card

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Individual Report Cards

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Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




Trusted Brand Media sells you on family type environment, which is true to some extent. The personnel within the company is another thing. Alexandra (Alex) Mills VP of production has no clue on culture, she does not believe that a black employee should continue his or hers education outside the company. She has mentioned to former employee, she’s threaten by black creatives. We are lazy and think we know everything about the creative space. During my time at Trusted Brand Media (TMBI) I’ve seen her terminated more people then allowed. This company isn’t for the creative, Alexandra (Alex) Mills should not be overseeing the creative she is racist, socially out of line, and clueless. I was terminated on the grounds of going back to school in her words and the words of HR. After she told me a month before I started that's amazing. It's ok, wrongful termination and being an undercover racist will not be overlooked. I have text messages to prove my claim. Creative beware of Trusted Brand Media (TMBI)

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