Boss Report Card

Alan Young


Mersive Technologies


Chief Product Officer

Grade Boss

Overall Report Card

1 review

Individual Report Cards

What do they mean?

Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




Overall Report Card

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Individual Report Cards

What do they mean?

Employee Development



Employee Empowerment




Alan is an executive for whom all decisions and credit must belong to him. His management style can be described as "authoritarianism with a smile." There is nothing positive I can say about working under this man. He makes decisions about topics he lacks basic understanding of against the advisement of those working under him, and tells people to "trust him" on decisions he hands down weeks after making them, and days before changing them. The general consensus of those who work for him is that he is either completely and willfully ignorant (given that he has chosen to ignore all feedback from his employees) or is simply getting kickbacks from the consultants he has hired to help with tasks which are both already completed and unrelated to the objectives he has stated as his goals. The only thing reliable about Alan is that he will mostly leave you alone, partially because he pays very little attention to his employees, and partially because he knows so little about what they do that he lacks even the necessary vocabulary to have an intelligent conversation on the topic.

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